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Joe Biden: Remarks at the White House Correspondents' Dinner - April 29, 2023

Full Transcript

Joe Biden

00:00:00-00:00:21 (21 sec)
Well, thank you, Tam, for that introduction -- I think. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:00:21-00:00:34 (13 sec)
Let me start on a serious note. Jill, Kamala, Doug, and I, and members of our administration are here to send a message to the country and, quite frankly, to the world: The free press is a pillar -- maybe the pillar -- of a free society, not the enemy. [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:00:34-00:00:53 (19 sec)
Thomas Jefferson wrote -- you all know this quote. Thomas Jefferson wrote, "Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate... to prefer the latter."

Joe Biden

00:00:53-00:01:06 (12 sec)
To Evan's parents Ella, Mikhail, and sister Danielle, as I've told you in person: We -- not just me -- we all stand with you.

Joe Biden

00:01:06-00:01:16 (11 sec)
Evan went to report in Russia to shed light on the darkness that you all escaped from years ago.

Joe Biden

00:01:16-00:01:29 (12 sec)
Absolute courage. A handwritten letter from prison to his family, Evan wrote, quote, "I am not losing hope." [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:01:29-00:01:45 (17 sec)
In an interview, his mom Ella said, "One of the American qualities that we absorbed is to be optimistic. That's where we stand right now."

Joe Biden

00:01:45-00:02:02 (16 sec)
To the entire family: Everyone in this hall stands with you. [Applause] We're working every day to secure his release, looking at opportunities and tools to bring him home. We keep the faith.

Joe Biden

00:02:02-00:02:16 (15 sec)
We also keep the faith for Austin -- Austin Tice. [Applause] His mom Debra is here tonight. [Applause] She knows from our several conversations -- the conversations with me and my senior staff -- we are not giving up.

Joe Biden

00:02:16-00:02:25 (9 sec)
As I told you at this dinner last year, as I told you in the Oval Office, you've raised an incredible son.

Joe Biden

00:02:25-00:02:36 (11 sec)
When he was a kid, he was an Eagle Scout, a Big Brother, a born protector, a U.S. Marine -- three tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Joe Biden

00:02:36-00:02:42 (6 sec)
Austin -- Austin was a fearless journalist and a future lawyer.

Joe Biden

00:02:42-00:02:50 (7 sec)
As a consequence of Austin showing the world the cost of war, he's been detained in Syria for nearly 11 years.

Joe Biden

00:02:50-00:03:05 (15 sec)
It's simply wrong. It's outrageous. And we are not ceasing our effort to get him, find him, and bring him home. [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:03:05-00:03:11 (6 sec)
Tonight, our message is this: Journalism is not a crime.

Joe Biden

00:03:11-00:03:18 (7 sec)
Evan and Austin should be released immediately, along with every other American held hostage or wrongfully detained abroad. [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:03:18-00:03:41 (23 sec)
Paul Whelan -- unjustly held in Russia for more than four years, whose brave sister I've met with and whose family has never quit fighting for Paul. And I promise you neither will I and neither will this administration until we get him home. [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:03:41-00:04:19 (38 sec)
And there are other Americans being unjustly held in Iran, Venezuela, China, and elsewhere. Their stories may not make headlines or hashtags, but every day -- every day, their family looks at that empty chair at the kitchen table -- birthdays, anniversaries, holidays without them. The pain of living in limbo. In a sense, it's almost worse than the pain of having lost a child and looking at that empty chair. The stress of not knowing. The sorrow of uncertainty.

Joe Biden

00:04:19-00:04:30 (11 sec)
But I want them and their families to know Jill and I understand. We see them. They are not forgotten. And I promise you I am working like hell to get them home. [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:04:30-00:04:47 (17 sec)
As a nation, we'll never give up on hope. Things can get better. Things can turn. Things can change.

Joe Biden

00:04:47-00:04:52 (5 sec)
Tonight, unlike last year, Brittney Griner is here with her wife Cherelle. [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:04:52-00:04:58 (6 sec)
Brittney -- where you are, kid? Stand up. Come on. [Applause] I love this woman. Love you, Brittney.

Joe Biden

00:04:58-00:05:27 (29 sec)
This time last year, we were praying for you, Brittney, hoping you knew how hard all of us were fighting for your release.

Joe Biden

00:05:27-00:05:43 (15 sec)
It's great to have you home. [Applause] And, boy, I can hardly wait to see you back on the court, kid. Remember your promise. I get to bring my granddaughter, my All-State girl, to see you. Right? [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:05:43-00:05:57 (15 sec)
Because of our unrelenting efforts, we've been able to bring home dozens of hostages and wrongfully detainees -- wrongful detainees from Afghanistan, Burma, Haiti, Iran, Rwanda, Venezuela, across West Africa, and around the world.

Joe Biden

00:05:57-00:06:02 (5 sec)
But we're doing everything we can to prevent these cases from occurring in the first place.

Joe Biden

00:06:02-00:06:18 (16 sec)
For example, the State Department added the threat of detention as a new risk indicator to its travel advisories to go along with the threat of kidnapping to warn Americans where these threats are highest abroad.

Joe Biden

00:06:18-00:06:32 (14 sec)
I also recently signed an executive order increasing the consequences for criminal groups and terrorists who engage in the appalling practice of treating human beings as bargaining chips, political pawns.

Joe Biden

00:06:32-00:06:47 (14 sec)
And just two days ago, my administration announced the first sanctions under this new authority, punishing individuals and security services in Russia and Iran who've been part of the wrongful defen- -- detention of Americans.

Joe Biden

00:06:47-00:07:08 (21 sec)
Above all, across government, experts are working day and night to bring our fellow Americans home, much of which, as you well know, we can't talk about. Concern that it will backfire.

Joe Biden

00:07:08-00:07:21 (13 sec)
But my commitment -- my commitment is to bring them home, just as I know your commitment is to continue to be a free and fearless press.

Joe Biden

00:07:21-00:07:24 (2 sec)
And that's what we honor tonight.

Joe Biden

00:07:24-00:07:54 (31 sec)
And this is not hyperbole: You make it possible -- you make it possible for ordinary citizens to question authority -- and, yes, even to laugh at authority -- without fear or intimidation.

Joe Biden

00:07:54-00:07:58 (4 sec)
That's what makes this nation strong.

Joe Biden

00:07:58-00:08:22 (24 sec)
So, tonight, let us show ourselves and the world our strength, not just by the example of our power, but by the power of our example.

Joe Biden

00:08:22-00:08:46 (24 sec)
Folks, I know a lot has changed in the press. I've had a lot of conversations with a lot of you. This is not your father's press from 20 years ago. No, I'm serious. And you all know it better than I do. But still, it is absolutely consequential and essential.

Joe Biden

00:08:46-00:08:55 (9 sec)
After all, I believe in the First Amendment -- not just because my good friend Jimmy Madison wrote it. [Laughter and applause]

Joe Biden

00:08:55-00:09:10 (15 sec)
In a lot of ways, this dinner sums up my first two years in office. [Laughter] I'll talk for 10 minutes, take zero questions, and cheerfully walk away. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:09:10-00:09:18 (8 sec)
Yeah, I know, I just announced my reelection campaign. [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:09:18-00:09:30 (12 sec)
Some of you -- some of you scooped that I'd announce in a video. But, really, you really all thought in your heart that I'd just blurt it out, didn't you? [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:09:30-00:09:33 (3 sec)
MS. O'DONNELL: We try. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:09:33-00:09:40 (7 sec)
And, look, I get that age is a completely reasonable issue. It's on everybody's mind.

Joe Biden

00:09:40-00:09:54 (14 sec)
And everyone -- by "everyone" I mean the New York Times. [Laughter] Headline: "Biden's advanced age is a big issue. Trump's, however, is not." [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:09:54-00:10:03 (9 sec)
Sorry, that was a New York Times Pitchbot. I apologize. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:10:03-00:10:18 (15 sec)
I love that guy. I should do an interview with him. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:10:18-00:10:27 (9 sec)
You might think I don't like Rupert Murdoch. That's simply not true. How could I dislike the guy who makes me look like Harry Styles? [Laughter and applause]

Joe Biden

00:10:27-00:10:35 (7 sec)
You call me old? I call it being seasoned. You say I'm ancient? I say I'm wise. You say I'm over the hill? Don Lemon would say that's a man in his prime. [Laughter and applause]

Joe Biden

00:10:35-00:10:44 (9 sec)
Folks, it's wonderful to be back here again, proving I haven't learned a damn thing. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:10:44-00:10:49 (4 sec)
I want everybody to have fun tonight, but please be safe.

Joe Biden

00:10:49-00:10:54 (5 sec)
If you find yourself disoriented or confused, it's either you're drunk or Marjorie Taylor Greene. [Laughter and applause]

Joe Biden

00:10:54-00:11:01 (7 sec)
Tam, thank you for hosting us. I love NPR -- [applause] --

Joe Biden

00:11:01-00:11:05 (4 sec)
[leans into the microphone] -- because they whisper into the mic like I do. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:11:05-00:11:14 (9 sec)
But not everybody loves NPR. Elon Musk tweeted that it should be defunded.

Joe Biden

00:11:14-00:11:21 (8 sec)
Well, the best way to make NPR go away is for Elon Musk to buy it. [Laughter and applause] And that's more true than you think. [Laughter] Anyway.

Joe Biden

00:11:21-00:11:28 (7 sec)
This dinner is one of the two great traditions in Washington. The other one is underestimating me and Kamala. [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:11:28-00:11:37 (10 sec)
Well, the truth is we really have a record to be proud of.

Joe Biden

00:11:37-00:11:46 (9 sec)
Vaccinated the nation. Transformed the economy. Earned historic legislative victories and midterm results.

Joe Biden

00:11:46-00:11:52 (6 sec)
But the job isn't finished. I mean -- it is finished for Tucker Carlson. [Applause]


00:11:52-00:11:52 (0 sec)
Oooh --

Joe Biden

00:11:52-00:12:05 (13 sec)
What are you wooing about like that? [Laughter] Like you think that's not reasonable? Give me a break. [Laughter] Just give me a break.

Joe Biden

00:12:05-00:12:11 (6 sec)
Look, like I often say, don't compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative.

Joe Biden

00:12:11-00:12:17 (6 sec)
We added 12 million jobs, and that's just counting the lawyers to -- who defended the president. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:12:17-00:12:34 (17 sec)
Had Ron DeSantis -- I had a lot of Ron DeSangi- -- Ron DeSantis jokes ready, but bicke- -- but Mickey Mouse beat the hell out of me and got there first. [Laughter and applause]

Joe Biden

00:12:34-00:12:47 (14 sec)
Now, look -- can't be too rough on the guy. After his reelection as governor, he was asked if he had a mandate. He said, "Hell no, I'm straight." [Laughter] "I'm straight." [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:12:47-00:12:55 (8 sec)
I'll give you time to think that one through. You got it?

Joe Biden

00:12:55-00:13:16 (22 sec)
Look, you all keep reporting my approval rating is at 42 percent. But what do you -- but I think you don't know this: Kevin McCarthy called me and asked me, "Joe, what the hell is your secret?" [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:13:16-00:13:28 (12 sec)
I'm not even kidding about that one. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:13:28-00:13:38 (10 sec)
The Speaker is trying to claim a big win this week, but the last time Republicans voted on something this -- that hapless, it took 15 tries. [Applause]


00:13:38-00:13:44 (6 sec)
Oooh --

Joe Biden

00:13:44-00:13:46 (2 sec)
That was good. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:13:46-00:13:59 (13 sec)
Look, it's great the cable news networks are here tonight. MSNBC owned by NBC Universal. Fox News owned by Dominion Voting Systems. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:13:59-00:14:17 (18 sec)
Last year, your favorite Fox News reporters were able to attend because they were fully vaccinated and boosted.

Joe Biden

00:14:17-00:14:29 (13 sec)
This year, with that $787 million settlement, they're here because they couldn't say no to a free meal. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:14:29-00:14:36 (7 sec)
And hell, I'd call Fox honest, fair, and truthful, but then I could be sued for defamation. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:14:36-00:14:47 (10 sec)
It ain't nothing compared to what they do to me. [Laughs]

Joe Biden

00:14:47-00:14:57 (11 sec)
Look, I hope the Fox News team finds this funny. My goal is to make them laugh as hard as CNN did when they read the settlement. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:14:57-00:15:14 (17 sec)
But then again, CN- -- CNN was like, "Wow, they actually have $787 million?" [Laughter] Whoa.

Joe Biden

00:15:14-00:15:18 (4 sec)
Folks, I go where the people are -- "The Daily Show." [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:15:18-00:15:31 (12 sec)
Roy is a great guy. He once dubbed me the Jay-Z of Delaware. [Laughter] Don't let that look on your face. You did.

Joe Biden

00:15:31-00:15:41 (11 sec)
Tonight he asked me to keep it short. He even offered me 10 bucks if I'd keep it under 10 minutes. That's a switch:

Joe Biden

00:15:41-00:15:51 (9 sec)
a President being offered hush money. [Laughter and applause]

Joe Biden

00:15:51-00:15:58 (8 sec)
Look, I'm going to leave the jokes to the pros. But let me conclude on a genuinely serious note.

Joe Biden

00:15:58-00:16:13 (14 sec)
Roy was born in Bormingham [sic] -- born in Birmingham, Alabama. He graduated from a great HBCU, Florida A&M. [Applause] He started in journalism to follow in the footsteps of his father, Roy Wood Sr., who covered the Civil Rights Movement.

Joe Biden

00:16:13-00:16:30 (18 sec)
During Black History Month this year, I hosted the screening of the movie "Till." [Applause] The story of Emmett Till and his mother is a story of a family's promise and loss and a nation's reckoning with hate, violence, and the abuse of power.

Joe Biden

00:16:30-00:16:51 (21 sec)
It's a story that was seared into our memory and our conscience -- the nation's conscience -- when Mrs. Till insisted that an open casket for her murdered and maimed 14-year-old son be the means by which he was transported. She said, "Let the people see what I've seen."

Joe Biden

00:16:51-00:17:09 (18 sec)
The reason the world saw what she saw was because of another hero in this story: the Black press. [Applause] That's a fact. Jet Magazine, the Chicago Defender, and other Black radio and newspapers were unflinching and brave in making sure America saw what she saw. [Applause] And I mean it.

Joe Biden

00:17:09-00:17:17 (8 sec)
Ida B. Wells -- Ida B. Wells once said, and I quote, "The way to right wrongs is to turn the light of truth upon the wrongs." "Turn the light of truth upon the wrongs."

Joe Biden

00:17:17-00:17:52 (35 sec)
That's the sacred view, in my view. That's the sacred charge of a free press. And I mean that.

Joe Biden

00:17:52-00:18:04 (12 sec)
That's what someone we still miss so much, who you honored posthumously, stood for. Gwen Ifill. [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:18:04-00:18:23 (19 sec)
You know, she was among the very best. We talked about it at the table. She moderated my first debate for Vice President and was a trusted voice for millions of Americans.

Joe Biden

00:18:23-00:18:32 (9 sec)
Gwen understood that the louder the noise, the more it's on all of us to cut through the noise to the truth.

Joe Biden

00:18:32-00:18:34 (2 sec)
The truth matters.

Joe Biden

00:18:34-00:18:55 (21 sec)
As I said last year at this dinner, a poison is running through our democracy and parts of the extreme press. The truth buried by lies, and lies living on as truth.

Joe Biden

00:18:55-00:19:38 (43 sec)
Lies told for profit and power. Lies of conspiracy and malice repeated over and over again, designed to generate a cycle of anger, hate, and even violence. A cycle that emboldens history to be buried, books to be banned, children and families to be attacked by the state, and the rule of law and our rights and freedoms to be stripped away. And where elected representatives of the people are expelled from statehouses for standing for the people. [Applause]

Joe Biden

00:19:38-00:19:56 (18 sec)
I've made clear that we know in our bones -- and you know it too -- our democracy remains at risk. But I've also made it clear, as I've seen throughout my life, it's within our power,

Joe Biden

00:19:56-00:20:05 (9 sec)
each and every one of us, to preserve our democracy. We can. We must. We will.

Joe Biden

00:20:05-00:20:11 (6 sec)
I'd like to make a toast -- if I had a glass. [Laughter]

Joe Biden

00:20:11-00:20:33 (23 sec)
My grandfather Ambrose Finnegan said, "If you ever make a toast without liquor, you got to hold it in your left hand." [Laughter] You all think I'm kidding. I'm not. I'm probably the only Irishman you've ever met who's never had a drink in his life. Anyway.

Joe Biden

00:20:33-00:20:36 (3 sec)
I'd like to make a toast, seriously.

Joe Biden

00:20:36-00:20:53 (16 sec)
At this inflection point in history, let us commit that we'll be a nation that will embrace light over darkness, truth over lies, and finally, finally, finally restore the soul of the nation.

Joe Biden

00:20:53-00:20:59 (6 sec)
Hear, hear. [A toast is offered]

Joe Biden

00:20:59-00:21:04 (6 sec)
Ladies and gentleman --

Joe Biden

00:21:04-00:21:07 (3 sec)
Can I give you that?

Tamara Keith

00:21:07-00:21:08 (1 sec)

Joe Biden

00:21:08-00:21:13 (4 sec)
I'm going to turn this over to Roy. Roy, the podium is yours.

Joe Biden

00:21:13-00:21:25 (12 sec)
I'm going to be fine with your jokes, but I'm not sure about Dark Brandon. [The President puts on sunglasses] [Laughter and applause]

Joe Biden

00:21:25-00:21:28 (3 sec)
All yours, pal.